Quicken doesn’t like Amex QIF format

If you’re trying to import data into Quicken 98 (or compatible) having downloaded it from the American Express web site you’ll get some odd and undesirable results. There are two incompatibilities.

Firstly the date field (D) needs to have a two-digit year, whereas Amex adds the century.

Secondly, for reasons I haven’t quite figured out yet, the extra information M field sometimes results is a blank entry (other than the date).

You can fix this by editing the QIF file using an editor of your choice, but this gets tedious so here’s a simple program that will do it for you. It reads from stdin and writes to stdout so you’ll probably use it in a script or redirect it from and to a file. I compile it to “amexqif”. If there’s any interest I’ll tweak it to make it more friendly.

It’s hardly a complex program, the trick was figuring out what’s wrong in the first place.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char buf [200];

int main()
int lenread;
char *str;
        while ((str = fgets(buf, 200,stdin))) // (()) to placate idiot mode on CLANG
                if ((lenread = strlen(str)) > 1)        // Something other than just the newline
                        if (str[0] == 'M')
                                continue;       // Random stuff in M fields breaks Q98

                        if (str[0] == 'D' && lenread == 12)     // Years in dates must be two digit
                                strcpy (str+7, str+9);