Configuring host names using DHCP


If you know all about DHCP, feel free to skip this bit.

In the Unix world the network administrator assigns every host (networked computer) the stuff in needs to operate on the network – it’s name and IP address. Other hosts can find it by looking its name up on the DNS server (or hosts list before DNS was invented) and start talking.

The host new its name and IP address because it was set in a configuration file, along with other network stuff like gateway routers and DNS servers.

Microsoft didn’t use IP networking for a long time, using NetBEUI and other protocols to dispense with a network administrator and configure stuff automatically over Ethernet (mainly). Or was that NetBIOS or WINS or ??? Anyway, the usual bugger’s muddle. When Microsoft finally realised the Internet was Important, Windoze machines also worked with Unix networking (IP, DNS and other good things). The stuck with versions of their own crazy file sharing system but that’s another story.

Meanwhile, it was realised that editing a configuration file on every host was a bit of a problem, especially if you had to edit it everywhere if you changed anything network-ish. And Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) was invented in the early 1990s. This combined the best of both worlds – automatic configuration with a network administrator in charge.

DHCP operates using a DHCP server. When a host boots it can get it’s network stuff from the DHCP server before it knows anything about the IP network. It effectively does this using an Ethernet (layer 2) multicast packet, but the details are complicated and not relevant here.

The DHCP server sees this request for details and sends the host back its settings. These could be the next free IP address from a pool, together with other important information like the subnet, gateway, local DNS and domain name. The host says “thank you very much” and configures itself as a fine upstanding and proper member of the domain. Don’t confuse domain with Microsoft Domain stuff, BTW. They used the name wrong. This is the DNS-type domain.

Manual allocation

I said in the bit you skipped reading that the DHCP server could send the client the next free IP address from a pool. But, you can also send precise details you want the host configured with. This means you can keep your network configuration in one file on the DHCP server rather than in startup files on every host, see how everything is set up and make small or large changes with a text editor. Almost. You’ll also need to edit the files on your DNS server to make the names to IP addresses translation work. Having both servers on the same machine makes sense.

How does the DHCP server know who’s asking, and therefore which configuration to send? Easy, it goes but the Ethernet MAC address.

Assuming you know how to configured DNS, here’s how you do it.


You’ll need the DHCP Demon, “dhcpd” from the Internet Software Consortium. Compile it or install the package as necessary. It has a configuration file called dhcpd.conf (usually in /usr/local/etc or /etc) which is where you set everything up. It comes with examples, but you’re looking at something like this.

Let’s assume your organisation is called and the the DHCP server is on the LANin the London office – i.e. The hosts on the LAN belong to tom, dick and harry and you’ve got a printer called “printer” and a router called “gateway”, and the local IP addresses are 192.168.3.x with a subnet mask.

dhcpd.conf will start something like this

 default-lease-time 43200;
max-lease-time 86400;

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers;

subnet netmask {
option broadcast-address;
option routers;

The lease times are how long you’re going to allow a host to hold on to a dynamic address from the pool. If it held it forever, you’d eventually run out. “default-lease-time” is how long the address lasts (in seconds) if the client doesn’t ask for anything specific, and max-least-time for when the client does ask but is being greedy. For testing purposes setting these to 60 seconds is not unreasonable. The values above represent 12 or 24 hours.

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Next come some options. These are fields sent in the DHCP reply. The stuff you can set on the client. There are a lot of them – see “man dhcp-options” on any Unix-compatible system.
Here I want everything on the LAN to know it’s part of, and the DNS server is at Every host asking the DHCP server gets these options set for them.

The next definition is a subnet. Any IP address in that subnet gets those options set – in this case the broadcast address gateway router. These could have been universal options, but for the sake of an example I put them inside the { and }.

Note there’s also a “range” statement in the subnet definition. This is the range of dynamically allocated IP addresses – in this case there are 64, between 100 and 163, and are to cope with people’s smartphones and when people turn up from head office with their swanky laptops. The range doesn’t have to cover the complete subnet, but it can’t be larger.

And that’s pretty much it for the main part. This just leaves the manual definitions which take the form of host statements that look like this:

host tom {
hardware ethernet c4:34:6b:21:94:10;
option host-name "";
host dick {
hardware ethernet 3c:4a:92:77:af:4e;
option host-name "";
host printer {
hardware ethernet 2C:76:8A:AD:71:FF;
option host-name "";

And so on…

The DHCP server recognises each host by its MAC address, specified in each block. Other forms of hardware address are possible, but it’s probably going to be a MAC on Ethernet. The fixed address is the one that will be assigned. The subnet definition at the top will be used for the subnet mask, and the other options will be taken from the global options.

If you want something special for one host, just add the option to its definition. For example, if you wanted the printer to use a different gateway router just add a “option router” and it’d take precedence.

The host statement needs a name or IP address but we’re not using it for anything here. In fact it can be anything you like in this instance. Unfortunately it’s not the hostname that’s sent, we have to specify in option host-name, and if you want a fqdn you’ll have to specify one. It doesn’t add it to the domain-name option automatically. It think this is a fault of the client, and I haven’t quite figured out why yet.


On the host you need to run dhclient to request the address from the DHCP server. This has a configuration file: /etc/dhclient.conf. It’s probably empty as the defaults are normally good enough. However, it does not include setting the host name. You’ll need to add a single line:

request host-name;

And that’s it. How you use it will vary from system to system, but on BSD you use “dhclient re0”, where re0 is the name of the ethernet interface, and it does does the rest. To make this automatic in FreeBSD add this to rc.conf:


Make sure you don’t specify the hostname in rc.conf or it will take precedence, and it will normally have been added by the installer.

Why set the hostname using DHCP?

You might think that it’s more useful for the hostname is fixed on the actual hardware host, and most times it is. However, if you’re pulling disks from one to put them in another you may or may not what the hostname and IP address to transfer. If you do, set them in the config file. If you want DHCP to configure things correctly even if you’ve swapped system disks around, configure things on the DHCP server. If you’re cloning system disks for a large number of servers in a cluster, DHCP is your best friend. Guess what I’m working on?