Sage Line 50 ACCDATA contains a load of files, and nowhere have I found any useful documentation as to what they are. Here’s a summary of what I think they are. They’re all data files unless otherwise stated. Most of the rest are indexes to the corresponding data files.
Anyone with more information is positively encouraged to leave a comment! Presumably Sage know, but they don’t seem that keen on publishing the information.
1..n.COA | Chart of Accounts |
ACCESS.DTA | Access rights for users |
ACCOUNT.DTA | Control Information (stuff across all accounts – VAT? |
ACCRUAL.DTA | Accruals |
ACCRUAL.DTA | Currency |
ACCSTAT.DTA | Account Status |
ASSETS.DTA | Fixed Asset |
ASTCAT.DTA | Fixed Asset Categories file |
ASTINDEX.DTA | Fixed Asset index file |
BANK.DTA | Bank |
BANKWWW.DTA | Bank WWW data |
BILLS.DTA | Bills |
BNKINDEX.DTA | Bank index file |
CATEGORY.DTA | Category definitions |
CONTACT.DTA | Contacts |
CONTINDA.DTA | Contact Records index file |
CONTINDD.DTA | Contact Date index file |
COURWWW.DTA | Courier Resources |
CREDWWW.DTA | Credit Resources |
DEPARTM.DTA | Departments |
FINRATES.DTA | Credit Charge |
HEADERS.DTA | Transaction Headers file |
INVINDEX.DTA | Invoice Record index file |
INVITEM.DTA | Invoice Line Items file |
INVOICE.DTA | Invoice Headers |
MISCWWW.DTA | Miscellaneous Resources |
NOMINAL.DTA | Nominal |
NOMINDEX.DTA | Nominal Record index file |
PREPAY.DTA | Prepayments |
PUOINDEX.DTA | Purchase Order index file |
PUOITEM.DTA | Purchase Order Line Items file |
PUORDER.DTA | Purchase Order Headers |
PURCHASE.DTA | Suppliers |
PURINDEX.DTA | Suppliers record index file |
QUEUE.DTA | List of users currently using |
RECUR.DTA | Recurring Entries |
REMIT.DTA | Remittance Line |
REMITIDX.DTA | Remittance Line index file |
SALES.DTA | Customers |
SALINDEX.DTA | Customer Record index file |
SAOINDEX.DTA | Sales Order index file |
SAOITEM.DTA | Sales Order Line Items file |
SAORDER.DTA | Sales Order Headers |
SETUP.DTA | Setup information – manager passwords &c |
SPLITS.DTA | Transaction Splits file |
STKCAT.DTA | Stock Category |
STKINDEX.DTA | Stock Record index file |
STKTRANS.DTA | Stock Transactions file |
STOCK.DTA | Stock |
TODO.DTA | Task Manager |
TODOIDX.DTA | Task Manager index file |
USAGE.DTA | Transaction Usage’s file |
Hi Frank,
We seem to be having a recurring issue with Sage at the moment.
SAOINDEX.DTA is in use, Please wait until this file is available.
We use Sage 50 Accounts Professional and have 3 users.
We have tried Sage Support but they don’t seem to have a clue and they blame our system. We have tried to contact our IT team and they seem to blame Sage.
Do you have any idea what this issue could be?
Currently, our only way to fix this temporarily is to reboot our server.
We are currently experiencing the same issue. Can you advise on how you worked around this issue.
When i try to open a sage on server data file the following message appears SETUP.DTA is in use, Please wait until this file is available. But When i saved the data into local machine. It is working. I have three users to access sage.
Please help
Many thanks
Probably a “lock” file you need to delete, but I don’t know the version of Sage you’re using so I don’t want to be specific.
we have two errors on our sage currently
We have a problem with Sage it will not do a back up as it has a problem with a file called Header.dta
it also will not open properly and freezes at
checking transaction link integrity
we cannot use the Sage at all do you know of a resolve to problem?
Hi Bobby,
It sounds like your Sage data files have become corrupt (see elsewhere on this blog as to the technical reasons this happens due to design decisions made by Sage). The solution is to get Sage to help – they have tools for recovering corrupt files. Yes, you have to pay Sage to do this. However, the are nearly always successful. It’s not something you can do yourself; for a start, Sage don’t release the software they use to get your data back. Even if they did, it probably wouldn’t be easy to use it.
A debate can be had on the morality of Sage’s business model and whether their software should prevent and cope with corruption automatically, but if you need your accounts data back this is a debate for another day. Good luck!