PuTTY, FreeBSD and SSH certificate logins

I’ve just gone crazy trying to figure out why PuTTY kept getting a “Server Refused Our Key” error when I tried to log in to a host using a certificate for the first time. Looking around the web, there are a lot of interesting theories about how to generate the certificates, and out of desperation I tried them all – nothing worked. So, for what it’s worth, here’s what does.

Generate your certificate on FreeBSD using the OpenSSH utility:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

With the default options this will create a couple of files in the .ssh directory within your home directory, and by default they’ll be called “id_rsa” and “id_rsa.pub”. In other words, if you’re user ID is fred the files will be in /usr/home/fred/.ssh/ with the above names. One’s private, the other is public.

You need to add the public key to the list of authorised keys in the .ssh directory:

cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

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(The name authorized_keys with the American spelling is set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)

Next you need to get the private key back to the machine running PuTTY. It’s just text – you can cut/paste it into a text editor and save it. For PuTTY to use it, however, it needs to be converted in to PuTTY’s own format, which you do using the PuTTY Key Generator, puttygen.exe. Run this, click on the Load button and read in your text file, then use the Save Private button to put write the .ppk file somewhere safe. You may wish to set a passphrase on it if there’s any chance someone else can get hold of it!

You may now get rid of the id_rsa.* files on the FreeBSD host, although you might want to add the public key to more than one user on more than one host – it’s a “public” key so there’s no harm in using it all over the place.

It is possible to use PuttyGen to make the keys and copy them to the FreeBSD host instead. A lot of people seem to have had trouble with this in the past (myself included), and it’s probably easier not to, especially if you’re going to use the keys in OpenSSH format for other purposes on the FreeBSD host anyway.

You’ll see a lot about setting the files in .ssh in some very restricted ways – basically all you need to do is ensure that they’re only writable by you. You can make your .ssh directory only readable by you if you wish but it won’t stop it from working. Also, the default /etc/ssh/sshd_config files is fine, and you don’t need to uncomment anything (in spite of what you might read). The default settings are all good, and all commented out, as it says on the top of the file.

Now, here’s the trick! What will cause a problem, as I eventually figured out, is if your home directory is writable by others. Don’t ask me how or why this should be true, but I tried this after I’d tried eliminating everything else on comparing working and non-working boxes. I know this for sure with FreeBSD 8.1 – ensure your home directory is drwxr-xr-x (or possibly less).

The final stage is to set up a session profile in PuTTY. This isn’t a tutorial for PuTTY, so I’ll be brief. In the options category open to Connection/Data and set the auto-login username you wish to use (if you haven’t already). Then under Connection/SSH/Auth select the private (.ppk) file you want to use. Remember, you can use this file with as many hosts and user accounts as you’ve added the public key to the .ssh/authorized_keys file. Save the session, and that’s it done. If it doesn’t do it for you, take a look in /var/log/auth.log.

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