PAM authentication in PHP on FreeBSD

I have several groups of lusers who want to be able to set/change their mail vacation settings but aren’t up to using ssh to edit their .forward and .vacation.msg files. I thought I’d write a quick PHP application to allow them to do it in a luser-friendly way using a web browser. If this isn’t what PHP is for, I don’t know what good it is. The snag: you need to make sure the right user is editing the right file.

The obvious answer is to authenticate them with their mail user-name and password pair using PAM. (This is the system that will check user-name/password combinations against whatever authentication you see fit – by default /etc/passwd).

PHP has a module available for doing just this – it’s called “PAM” and there’s even a FreeBSD port of it you can install from /usr/ports/security/pecl-pam. If you want to use it, just “make” and “make install” – it’ll add it to the PHP extensions automatically, but don’t forget to restart Apache if you’re planning to use it there.

You’ll also have to configure PAM itself. This involves listing the authentication methods applicable to your module in /etc/pam.d/. In this case the php module will have the default name ‘php’ unless you’ve changed it in /etc/php.ini using a line like pam.servicename = "php";

Adding the above line above obviously does nothing as it’s the default, but it’s useful as a reminder of what the default is set to. I don’t like implicit defaults, but then again I don’t like a lot of the shortcuts taken by PHP.

The only thing you need to do to get it workings is to add a PAM module definition file called /etc/pam.d/php. The easy way to create this is copy an existing one, such as /etc/pam.d/ftp. This will be about right for most people, but read /etc/pam.d/README if you want to understand exactly what’s going on.

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So – to test it. A quick PHP program such as the following will do the trick:

var_dump (pam_auth('auser','theirpassword',&$error,0));
print $error;

If there’s an entry in /etc/passwd that matches then it’ll return true, otherwise false, and $error will contain the reason. Actually, it checks the file /etc/master.passwd – the one that isn’t world readable and therefore can contain the MD5 password hashes. And there’s the rub…

This works fine when run as root, but not as any other users; it always returns false. This makes it next to useless. It might be a bug in the code, but even if it isn’t it leads to interesting questions about security. For example, it would allow a PHP user to hammer away trying to brute-force guess passwords. I’ve seen it suggested to Linux users can overcome the need to run as root by making their shadow password group or world readable. Yikes!

If you’re going to use this with PHP inside Apache, you’re talking about giving the “limited” Apache user access to one of the most critical system files as far as security goes. I can see the LAMP lusers clamouring for for me to let them do this, but the answer is “no!” Pecl-pam is not a safe solution to this, especially on a shared machine. You could probably persuade it to use a different password file, but what’s the point? If the www user can read it, all web hosting users can and you might just as well read it from the disk directly (or use a database). PAM only makes sense for using system-wide passwords for authenticating real users.

I do now have a work-around: if you want your Apache PHP script to modify files in a user’s home directory you can do this using FTP. I’ve written some code to achieve this (not hard) and I’ll post it here if there’s any interest, and after I’ve decided it’s not another security nightmare.


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