Nominet’s AGM venue fail – almost

I decided to miss out on the first day of Infosec to attend the Nominet AGM, which this year took place in their home town of Oxford. In the Said Business School, to be precise. I’d never heard of this, but it’s a very nice place and right next to the railway station. But I was driving.

Had I known this was in the centre I might have made other transport arrangements, but getting to Oxford by public transport is difficult for me. Had I known that one of the main Thames bridges had been closed and the city centre was grid-locked, I would definitely left the car behind.

Given that most of those in attendance were from Nominet (only a dozen members were listed as expected), it does make sense to hold a meeting close to home. But the city centre?

As you approach, it’s obvious that Oxford has plenty of Parks. There’s he normal park, of course. There’s are also Business Parks, Retail Parks, Leisure Parks, Science Parks. In fact, every kind of park you can think of other than a Car Park.

I managed to stop in the short-term station car park, without a ticket as the machine was out-of-order, while I negotiated the use of the Said Business School’s underground one. I said it was a nice place.

Nominet – please don’t do this again! Or at least, put out in the AGM details that parking is a nightmare at the venue, if you do.

Kids can review Kindle books in their parents’ names

Occasionally I write the odd review on Amazon products directly on Amazon. This is normally information I wish I had when I was looking for an item or book. Then, today, I was clicking about and came upon a list of things I’d written about:


Now I don’t remember reviewing E. Nesbit’s classic, and I prefer her Barnstable series anyway (although I doubt it’d be PC enough to make in to a film, so its merits are less widely appreciated).

So what’s going on here? And I certainly don’t remember reading “The Ugly Duckling”, illustrated or otherwise.

And then I realised – this was my daughter using a Kindle attached to my account. It appears that it’s possible to rate books from it directly, and this she has obviously done. In my name.

Her pronouncements as to their literary merit  may be valid, especially for someone her age, but this needs to be made clear.

I’ve sent some pointed feedback to Amazon on this point, and will wait to see what happens.


Microsoft’s Windows 10 Security Update Plan

The headlines on luser news media are all about Windows 10 being the last ever release of Windows. Apparently Microsoft’s plan is to issue incremental updates thereafter. As those in the know, know, this has always been the way. Microsoft only releases a new version when it wants to flog it to the punters as the next great thing, and it does this by giving the latest snapshot of the code a new name (e.g. Windows 7, Windows Vista). Okay, there have been major step-ups; for example Window 2000 was the marketing name for Windows NT 5.0 (ditching some of the disastrous code in Windows NT 4.x), then came 5.1 – sold to the public as XP. Windows Vista was the next re-write; technically it was Windows 6.0. Confusingly to the punters, 6.1 was flogged as 7 and Windows 8.0 and 8.1 were 6.2 and 6.3 respectively. The reality is that OEM versions of Windows appear frequently, to track the new hardware as it turns up in production machines. It’s only the retail customers that believe in these retail versions. So what is Microsoft really doing?

Well, one effect of having a retail version of Windows is that every three years the punters stop buying new PCs, waiting for the next “version”. As Microsoft actually makes a lot more of its revenue from selling OEM licenses (bundled with PCs) than the retail versions, keeping the hardware manufacturers happy by killing off the boom/bust cycle is probably A Good Thing.

Is Microsoft getting a bit humble, acknowledging that hardware makers have a choice and Windows isn’t the only game in town? I don’t believe they do; the punters want Windows on their desktop PCs, and that’s that. So what is in it for Microsoft?

The clue is in what Terry Myerson was saying at Ignite 2015 in Chicago last week. The new version of Windows will feature greatly enhanced on-line update capabilities, with peer-to-peer patch distribution and a lot more. Patch Tuesday is to be abolished, with updates rolled out on a continuous basis. And all in the name of security.

Let’s play devil’s advocate here, and pretend that Microsoft has other reasons. First off, Patch Tuesday, the monthly release of non-critical Windows updates in an ordered manner, will become obsolete. The policy was originally formulated to avoid patches coming out willy-nilly at odd times in the month and catching IT departments off-guard; and now they’re going back to the old chaotic system. A broken update can knock your IT systems out at any time of the day or night. If this sounds like a recipe for disaster, don’t despair – according to Terry Myerson, patches will be rolled out to the lucky home users first, which means that it can be pulled and business won’t be affected if an update screws up. Enterprise customers will still be given the choice as to which updates they install; it would have been a hard sell to knowledgable IT people otherwise.

Is this actually going to improve Windows security? Peer-to-peer patch distribution? 24/7 patches coming from Redmond as soon as they’re presumed ready? What could possibly go wrong?

Rather than looking at this as a security fix, I think the policy should be taken in to consideration alongside Microsoft’s move towards licensing, rather than selling, software. They want a continual revenue stream and they don’t like their software pirated. Who does? By moving to an OS model that requires the host to be Internet connected and constantly patching itself, it becomes much harder for cracked versions of the OS or applications to exist. (Microsoft’s own applications, that is). Peer-to-peer updates will make updates harder to block. If a crack turns up in the wild, the next day a patch to kill it can appear from Redmond. And if your stop paying the license fee, your copy of Windows stops working. This last aspect isn’t being talked about openly. I’m just guessing here. But considering Microsoft’s penchant for licensed/rented software of recent years, Windows 10 being released with a mechanism that appears ideal for licence enforcement should they ever decide to move to the rental business model, I think it’s a good guess.

Or it could simply be that Microsoft is panicking over the less-than-warm reception the world gave Windows 8/8.1 and had decided that releasing new retail versions frightens the horses.

Blackbushe Cybersquatting Club

Today the nice people at Blackbushe Flying Club decided to register the ICAO airfield designator for Popham Airfield in Hampshire ( and redirect it to their flying school at Blackbushe. Nominet claims to have validated Blackbushe Flying Club Ltd as the rightful owners, which is interesting.

I used to be a member of the flying club at Popham for many years, but I’m not now. Still friendly though. I’m also a member of Nominet. If anyone from Popham would like to get in touch for backup in getting these juvenile scallywags at Blackbushe dealt with appropriately, I should be flying in some time tomorrow morning.

FWIW, here’s chapter and verse:

Domain name:
 Blackbushe Flying Club
Registrant type:
 UK Limited Company, (Company number: 00000)
Registrant's address:
 11 The Close
 College Town
 GU47 0RE
 United Kingdom
Data validation:
 Registrant contact details validated by Nominet on 08-Apr-2015
 Mesh Digital Limited t/a [Tag = MONSTER]
Relevant dates:
 Registered on: 08-Apr-2015
 Expiry date: 08-Apr-2017
 Last updated: 08-Apr-2015

Update 13-Apr-2015

I did some investigating and I know exactly who is behind this, and it was nothing to do with Popham or a joke. It looks like something that seemed like a good idea at the time to someone. It’s not actually Blackbushe airfield that’s behind it, it’s an outfit calling itself Blackbushe Flying Group (and I won’t get personal by naming the individual).

Judging from the hit-count on this page, and a the result of a few phone calls, “someone” has realised the error of his ways and changed it to a redirect sending all traffic to Popham’s real web site. If that someone wishes to get in touch I can help make it right permanently, at least as far as Popham is concerned. His landlord, Blackbushe Airport Ltd, may be less forgiving as, in addition to associating the Blackbushe name in some skulduggery, he’s only gone and registered too. Ouch.

If the idea behind the wheeze was there’s no such thing as bad publicity, I’d say that was only partly true.


Fanshawe College, London, United Kingdom

LinkedIn has just sent me a batch of companies looking for candidates like me. As it’s near the end of the week, I took a peak and this one was interesting:


Fanshawe College
Part-time Faculty – Information Technology

Fanshawe College
London, United Kingdom

Never head of them! If you follow it up, they keep repeating “London” as the location but their domain name is .ca. Could they be talking about London Ontario, I wonder? They keep talking about Microsoft this and Microsoft that, so I don’t think I shall be following this up with Dianne D. She’s probably having a bad day already.


Obama to end cyber-attacks

American president Barack Obama is so hacked off with cyber-attacks on US companies (and other interests) that he’s taken a step sure to send the perpetrators running for cover. In an executive order on the 1st of April, he created a new sanctions authority to have a go at anyone attacking the USA. In the statement announcing it he is quoted as saying “Cyber threats pose one of the most serious economic and national security challenges to the United States, and my administration is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to confront them”, describing it as a “national emergency”

Basically it gives the US Treasury Department to freeze the assets of any hackers suspected of attacking the US, in much the same way as it brings peace to places the Middle East and Ukraine. The criminals behind these attacks are no doubt quaking in their sneakers.

The decision to blame North Korea for the Sony attack told the world that the administration was getting tough, never mind the facts. And the Chinese, of course, deny state-sponsored naughtiness on an apparently daily basis.

The problem is, of course, that it’s somewhat difficult to actually figure out who’s behind an attack. Working out where an attack comes from is possible, and it’s usually from some hijacked computers used to obfuscate the origin. China and various other countries have a higher installed base of pirated software, which often comes with a built-in botnet, so of course attacks come from these places.

Initial opinion in the USA is divided between the law-makers, politicians and the non-technical cyber-security industry heralding it as the beginning of the end for international espionage gangs, and those of us who know now it works wondering if this is an April Fool.

One point I find intriguing, however, is whether this will have an effect on patent disputes. Apparently they’re worried about, and plan to apply these powers to, intellectual property theft. It seems to me that if some technology turned up in a competitor’s product and the American company went crying to the authorities they could have sanctions imposed on the foreign company, without any reasonable way of proving that any theft had taken place – or even who had it first. It could get messy.



Security certificates broken on Google Chrome 41

Don’t install the latest release of Google Chrome (41), released on Thursday (Friday UK time). They’ve messed up. Twice.

Broken SSL when talking to routers etc.

The first problem comes when accessing the web interface on a device such as a router over SSL (encrypted). Unfortunately, because the software in theses is embedded, the security certificate it uses isn’t going to match the name of the device you use to access it. This would be impossible – when it leaves the factory it hasn’t had its IP address assigned on your site; never mind the DNS entry. Previously browsers have allowed you to ignore this mis-match; the encryption works as long as you’re comfortable that you’re really talking what you think you are using some other check, and once the exception has been stored, this should be the end of the matter.

But not with Chrome release 41. Now it will show you the screen below:


If you ask for more details it doesn’t really give you much:

A secure connection cannot be established because this site uses an unsupported protocol.
This comes from a DrayTek 2820 modem/router, but the problem seems to exist on other networking kit.

More adverts too – and a malware backdoor

(Please see update below – there may be an innocent explanation for this)
As an extra surprise, those nice people seem to have found a way of blocking URL keyword filters used to keep adverts out from objectionable sources, circumventing methods of blocking Google’s syndicated advertising. I’m still researching this, but the way they appear to have done it means that embedded content from other sources than the site you’re looking at is extremely difficult to block.
It appears Google has done this to protect its revenue stream from adverts, with little regard from the site policies that may exist for reasons Google may not realise. But that’s not the worst of it: how long will it be before this feature of Chrome is used for drive-by downloads. If you’re firewall isn’t able to cross-check the source of the content on a page, it can be coming from anywhere.
Unfortunately there is no way of rolling back a bad version of Chrome. They really don’t like you doing that, however dangerous a release might be.
I have, of course, made urgent representations to the Chrome project but we will have to wait and see. In the mean time, all I can suggest is that you prevent Chrome from updating beyond version 40.

Update 2015-03-23
On further investigation, the updated Chrome isn’t doing a DNS lookup to find the Google ad-server. I’m unsure whether this is because it somehow cached the DNS results internally or whether its hard-wired. It certainly wasn’t using the system cache, but I know Chrome has kept its own cache in the past. If it is from an internal cache, the mechanism used to get the IP address in there in the first place is a mystery, however Google’s ad servers change from time to time and it’s not impossible that the perimeter firewall simply hadn’t kept up and allowed some through.

My next research will be looking more closely at the DNS traffic.

FreeBSD hr utility – human readable number filter (man page)

Several years ago I wrote a utility to convert numeric output into human readable format – you know the kind of thing – 12345678 becomes 12M and so on. Although it was very clever in the way it dealt with really big numbers (Zetabytes), and in spite of ZFS having really big numbers as a possibility, no really big numbers have actually come my way.

It was always a dilemma as to whether I should use the same humanize_number() function as most of the FreeBSD utilities, which is limited to 64-bit numbers as its input, or stick with my own rolling conversion. In this release, actually written a couple of years ago, I’ve decided to go for standardisation.

You can download it from  here. I’ve moved it (24-10-2021) and it’s not on a prettified page yet, but the file you’re looking for is “hr.tar”.

This should work on most current BSD releases, and quite a few Linux distributions. If you want binaries, leave a note in comments and I’ll see what I can do. Otherwise just download, extract and run make && make install

Extracted from the man page:


hr — Format numbers in human-readable form


hr [-b] [-p] [-ffield] [-sbits] [-wwidth] [file ...]

The hr utility formats numbers taken from the input stream and sends them
to stdout in a format that’s human readable. Specifically, it scales the
number and adds an appropriate suffix (e.g. 1073741824 becomes 1.0M)

The options are as follows:

-b      Put a ‘B’ suffix on a number that hasn’t been scaled (for Bytes).

-p     Attempt to deal with input fields that have been padded with spaces for formatting purposes.

-wwidth      Set the field width to field characters. The default is four
(three digits and a suffix). Widths less than four are not normally useful.

-sbits  Shift the number being processed right by bits bits. i.e. multi-
ply by 2^bits. This is useful if the number has already been scaled in to units. For example, if the number is in 512-byte
blocks then -s9 will multiply the output number by 512 before scaling it. If the number was already in Kb use -s10 and so on.
In addition to specifying the number of bits to shift as a number you may also use one of the SI suffixes B, K, M, G, T, P, E
(upper or lower case).

k-ffield      Process the number in the numbered field , with fields being numbered from 0 upwards and separated by whitespace.

The hr utility currently uses the humanize() function in System Utilities Library (libutil, -lutil) to format the numbers.  This will repeatedly divide the input number by 1024 until it fits in to a width of three digits (plus suffix), unless the width is modified by the -w option. Depending on the number of divisions required it will append a k, M, G, T, P or E suffix as appropriate. If the -b option is specified it will append a ‘B’ if no division is required.

If no file names are specified, hr will get its input from stdin. If ‘-‘ is specified as one of the file names hr will read from stdin at this point.

If you wish to convert more than one field, simply pipe the output from one hr command into another.

By default the first field (i.e. field 0) is converted, if possible, and the output will be four characters wide including the suffix.

If the field being converted contains non-numeral characters they will be passed through unchanged.

Command line options may appear at any point in the line, and will only take effect from that point onwards. This allows different options to apply to different input files. You may cancel an option by prepending it with a ‘-‘. For consistency, you can also set an option explicitly with a ‘+’.  Options may also be combined in a string. For example:

hr -b file1 -b- file2

Will add a ‘B’ suffix when processing file1 but cancel it for file2.

hr -bw5f4p file1

Will set the B suffix option, set the output width to 5 characters, process field 4 and remove excess padding from in front of the original  digits.

To format the output of an ls -l command’s file size use:

ls -l | hr -p -b -f4

This output will be very similar to the output of “ls -lh” using these options. However the -h option isn’t available with the -ls option on the “find” command. You can use this to achieve it:

find. -ls | hr -p -f6

Finally, if you wish to produce a sorted list of directories by size in human format, try:

du -d1 | sort -n | hr -s10

This assumes that the output of du is the disk usage in kilobytes, hence the need for the -s10

The hr utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Why Jeremy Clarkson Matters

Jeremy Clarkson must feature in the worst nightmares of the trendy liberals that run the BBC. He’s intelligent, articulate and hugely popular, but not politically correct. Whether he’s right or wrong in what he says doesn’t matter. From what I’ve heard of his TV appearances, he comes across shallow and missing the point 75% of the time. He’s written books and a column in the Sun “Newspaper”, which may turn out to pander less to the need to entertain; I don’t know because I can’t be bothered to read them.

I hear more about Mr Clarkson from the news media, where there appears to be a vendetta against him based on the notion that he says things which, while part of English society for over a century, are no longer politically correct. They’re lambasting him for treading on cracks in the pavement.

The latest row seems to be about him losing his temper after a stressful day’s filming. This isn’t a good thing, but it’s part of life. If he was a celebrity chef, such behaviour would be encouraged.

We should really be sharing a thought for the poor producer on the receiving end of the self-important star’s bad mood and abuse: Oisin Tymon. He appears to have taken the matter professionally, in his stride. He’s working in an industry containing celebrities with arge egos placed in stressful situations, and what little information there is in the public domain, it appears he’s taken the incident on the chin (literally, by some accounts) and just got on with it.

Unfortunately, it’s given Danny Cohen, the BBC Director of Television, the perfect excuse to over-react. Or so he seems to think. It’s clearly being used as an opportunity to silence a voice that doesn’t fit with their left-wing, liberal agenda. I’ve no problem with a left-wing agenda, as long as it’s balanced. The BBC is paid for by society as a whole, and has no business censoring someone who reflects the views of that society, whether they reflect their views or not.

Whether Mr Cohen is pandering to the views of his colleagues is something I can’t tell. There are calls for the wonder-boy of British Television to go instead of Clarkson. One thing’s for sure; there’s always Noreena sitting over the breakfast table to keep him on the one true path. Her published works leave no doubt as to her political and philosophical leanings.

As I believe in hearing all views from our “uniquely funded” state broadcaster, I have no choice but to take a stand in defence of the oaf. Guido Fawkes started a petition, and I notice it has almost reached a million supporters. Sign it here.

Yahoo plans to give up passwords

The latest scheme from Yahoo’s Crazy Ideas Department is to dispense with login passwords. Are they going to replace them with a certificate login or something more secure? Nope! The security-gaff prone outfit from Sunnyvale California has had the genius idea of sending a four-character one-time password to your mobile phone, according to an announcement they made at SXSW yesterday (or possibly today if you’re reading this in the USA).

According to Chris Stoned Stoner, their Product Development Director, the bright idea is to avoid the need to memorise difficult passwords by simply sending a new one, each time, to your registered mobile phone.

At first glance, this sounds a bit like the sensible two-factor authentication you find already: Log in using your password and an additional verification code is sent to your mobile. However, Yahoo has dispensed with the first part – logging in with your normal password. This means that anyone that has physical control of your mobile phone can now hijack your Yahoo account too. If your phone is locked, no matter – just retrieve the SMS using the SIM alone. No need to pwn Yahoo accounts the traditional way.

With an estimated 800,000 mobile phones nicked per year in the UK alone (Source inferred from ONS report) and about 6M handsets a year going AWOL in the USA, you’ve got to wonder what Yahoo was thinking.

Apart from the security risk, what are the chances of being locked out of your email simply because you’re out of mobile range (or if you’re phone has gone missing). Double whammy!